DEWAX Represses DNA Binding Ability of SPL9.
(A) DEWAX represses the SPL9 transcriptional activity on the CER1 promoter in the transient expression system. Pro35S:rSPL9 or Pro35S:DEWAX alone, or Pro35S:rSPL9/Pro35S:DEWAX in different ratios with the reporter ProCER1:LUC were coinfiltrated and simultaneously expressed in N. benthamiana leaves. The relative LUC activity in the coexpressed samples was calculated by normalizing the LUC values against REN. Averages from three biological replicates and their SD are shown. The values were statistically treated using Student’s t test (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01).
(B) EMSAs show that SPL9-DEWAX protein interaction attenuates the DNA binding ability of SPL9 to the GTAC motifs in the promoter region of CER1. GST protein was used as negative control. Unlabeled cold competitor probes were used as positive control for attenuated DNA binding.
(C) DEWAX hampers SPL9 homodimer formation in a BiLC experiment. N. benthamiana leaves were infiltrated with agrobacteria as indicated.