Figure 3. Contrasting evolutionary stability of collateral sensitivity for CAR>GEN and GEN>CAR switches.
Evolutionary dynamics of surviving populations expressed as relative biomass for (a) CARR-populations during selection with GEN, and (b) GENR-populations during selection with CAR. The dotted horizontal line indicates growth equal to untreated controls. Mean ±CI95, number of biological replicates differs due to extinction (n = 2–8). Changes in antibiotic resistance at the end of the second-step evolution experiment for (c) CARR-populations after selection with GEN and (d) GENR-populations after selection with CAR. Resistance was tested either against the drug towards which bacteria initially showed resistance after the first evolution experiment (indicated as OLD), or the drug used during the second experiment (indicated as NEW). The change is measured by cumulative differences in dose-response before and after the second evolution experiment (i.e., the original antibiotic resistant clone versus its evolved descendants). Mean ±CI95, n = 2–8 biological replicates (differences due to extinction). Asterisks indicate significant changes in resistance (one-sample t-test, µ = 0, FDR-adjusted probabilities). Change of maximum exponential growth rate in drug-free conditions for the evolved lineages, relative to wild type PA14 for (e) CARR>GEN lineages and, (f) GENR>CAR lineages. This measure is used to explore the presence of a general adaptation trade-off. The evolved lineages were grouped by whether experimental evolution was performed under constrained conditions (i.e., presence of drug A and B; dark gray circles) or not (i.e., only presence of drug B; light gray circles). The dashed line in each panel then indicates relative growth rate of the starting resistant population. Asterisks show significant increases or decreases in growth rate relative to the wild type PA14 (One-sample t-test, µ = 1, p<0.004), while numerals indicate significant increases or decreases relative to the starting population (dashed lines in each panel, One-sample t-test, µ = GENR or CARR, p<0.004). Number of populations per group and experiment vary due to extinction (min = 10, max = 16). The following supplementary figures, tables and source data is available for Figure 3: Figure 3—figure supplement 1, Figure 3—figure supplement 2, Supplementary file 1-Figure 3-supplementary tables 1-3, and Figure 3—source data 1; Figure 3—source data 2; Figure 3—source data 3.