Fig. 5.
BrfA recruits and stabilizes the open conformation of RF2 on the ribosome. a, b Overview of the interaction of BrfA (blue) with (a) RF2 (RF2BrfA, orange) from the BrfA-RF2-ns70S and with (b) RF2 (RF2stop, lime, PDB ID 4V5E) from a canonical termination complex48. RF2 domains 1–4 (d1–d4) and relative positions of the decoding center (DC) and peptidyltransferase center (PTC) are indicated. c Comparison of the relative positions of the SPF motif of RF2stop (lime) and RF2BrfA (orange) with BrfA (blue), P-site tRNA (green), and truncated non-stop mRNA (TR-mRNA, cyan) shown for reference. d Interaction between Trp307 (W307, equivalent to B. subtilis Trp318 (W318)) of the switch region of Thermus thermophilus RF2stop (lime) and A1492 of the 16S rRNA (green) during decoding of the UGA stop codon of the mRNA (cyan). W318 in the switch loop of B. subtilis RF2 (RF2BrfA, orange) observed upon BrfA binding is superimposed and arrowed. e Same view as in d, but showing the conformation of the switch loop of RF2BrfA (orange) and A1492/A1493 (yellow) when BrfA (blue) is present. f Superimposition of the conformation of α-helix α7 of RF2 from the crystal structure of the closed form of RF2 (RF2closed; dark blue, PDB ID 1GQE) with RF2stop (lime) and RF2BrfA (orange), with BrfA (blue) shown for reference.