Figure 5.
KDM5B mediates expression of pluripotency genes and role of CDK1 in KDM5B action. TNBC cells were transfected as indicated above with expression vectors for WT or mutant FLAG-KDM5B, shKDM5B, and/or shCDK1. Two clones each of shKDM5B (14758 and 14761) and shCDK1 (585 and 603) were used. (a) RNA was isolated and subjected to qRT-PCR to assess SOX2 and NANOG mRNA levels using GAPDH as a control. (b–d) Western blotting analyses of endogenous and/or transfected KDM5B, CDK1, Nanog, and/or Sox2 relative to loading control (GAPDH) in TNBC cell lines. Figures are representative of at least 3 independent experiments.