A) Sequence of events in a sample trial of Experiment 2. Participants first saw a memory array with one uniquely colored item Next, participant monitored for the appearance of a gap in the central fixation cross that appeared in the top of the vertical section (response required) or in the bottom of the vertical section (no response). Finally, participants completed the same search task as in Experiment 1. B) Experimental design and key results. The four conditions are illustrated, implementing manipulations of (1) the correspondence between the color of the memory item and the color of the target disk, and (2) the correspondence between the location of the memory item and the location of the target disk. The sample search arrays show configurations relative to the memory array in a. “T” denotes the target, and “D” a distractor. For the number of trials, the main value corresponds to the number of trials with a bottom gap in the fixation cross and the value in parentheses to the number of trials with a top gap. Analyses were limited to the bottom-gap trials. For each of the four conditions, we report mean search RT (error bars are within-subject, condition-specific 95% confidence intervals; Morey, 2008) and mean search accuracy (Search Acc). For the latter, standard errors of the means are in parentheses.