Compared with cancer-free mice, proliferation of i.v. transferred BM B-cell precursors is increased in the circulation of μMT mice with 4T1 cancer. Shown are eFluor450 dilution in donor cells (a representative histogram in spleen, left panel) and summary quantification in various tissues, right panel, n=3, A). In vitro experiments (B–D) suggest that cancer-produced TSLP increases proliferation (a representative histogram of eFluor450 dilution, B) and survival (C) of BM CD25+ pre-B cells by downregulating their Ikaros expression (in 70Z/3 pre-B cells, D). TSLP downregulated Ikaros expression in murine (D, MFI). Data are from a 4-day (B and C) or overnight (D) culture with BAFF-supplemented cRPMI (BAFF), CM-4T1.2ctrl, CM-TslpKD, or 100 ng/ml TSLP. Shown are mean % or MFI ± SD of triplicate experiments reproduced at least twice. P-values were calculated with Welch’s t-test.