Table 4.
Results from conditional Poisson regressions.
Stunting | Underweight | Wasting | Anemia | Diarrhea | Low birth weight | Mortality | Proportion (households) | |
a) Water and toilet facilities | ||||||||
Water pump | 0.973** | 0.990 | 1.010 | 1.010 | 0.969 | 0.928*** | 0.968 | 0.172 |
Toilet: no facility/bush/field | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | 0.389 |
Toilet: flush to piped sewer system | 0.931*** | 0.982 | 1.001 | 0.994 | 0.966 | 0.911** | 0.652*** | 0.078 |
Toilet: shared flush to septic tank | 0.940*** | 0.943*** | 0.978 | 0.991 | 1.086** | 1.056* | 1.010 | 0.054 |
Toilet: flush to septic tank | 0.943*** | 0.946*** | 0.996 | 0.969*** | 0.977 | 0.950** | 0.841*** | 0.287 |
Toilet: flush to pit latrine | 0.976 | 0.996 | 0.968 | 0.962*** | 1.007 | 0.935** | 0.835** | 0.072 |
Water: tube well or borehole | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | 0.392 |
Water: piped into dwelling | 0.976 | 1.000 | 0.968 | 0.994 | 0.987 | 1.019 | 0.724*** | 0.166 |
Water: piped to yard/plot | 1.023 | 1.002 | 0.940** | 0.972*** | 1.026 | 1.013 | 0.857** | 0.136 |
Water: public tap/standpipe | 1.025* | 1.005 | 1.014 | 0.997 | 1.053 | 1.009 | 1.018 | 0.159 |
b) Food storage and preparation | ||||||||
Refrigerator | 0.954*** | 0.943*** | 0.947*** | 1.000 | 1.012 | 0.972 | 0.929 | 0.296 |
Pressure cooker | 0.973*** | 0.953*** | 0.993 | 0.978*** | 1.045* | 0.944*** | 0.986 | 0.566 |
Cooking: wood | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | 0.405 |
Cooking: animal dung | 1.022* | 1.033** | 0.993 | 1.014 | 1.085*** | 1.021 | 1.092* | 0.072 |
Cooking: LPG/natural gas | 0.962*** | 0.958*** | 0.970 | 1.002 | 1.058* | 0.942*** | 0.948 | 0.423 |
c) Other consumer goods | ||||||||
Radio | 0.979 | 1.004 | 1.014 | 1.018* | 1.025 | 1.070*** | 0.966 | 0.081 |
Bicycle | 0.976*** | 0.980** | 1.035*** | 0.989** | 0.970* | 0.982 | 1.007 | 0.521 |
Motorcycle/scooter | 0.952*** | 0.957*** | 0.972** | 0.991 | 0.937*** | 0.976 | 0.885*** | 0.377 |
Car/truck | 0.927*** | 0.900*** | 0.941* | 0.988 | 0.947 | 1.048 | 1.009 | 0.060 |
Mobile telephone | 0.968*** | 0.946*** | 0.921*** | 0.981** | 1.015 | 0.909*** | 1.071 | 0.904 |
Watch | 0.989 | 1.011 | 1.018 | 0.985*** | 0.979 | 1.023 | 0.922** | 0.781 |
Mattress | 0.985* | 0.999 | 0.986 | 0.992 | 0.983 | 0.990 | 0.983 | 0.667 |
Chair | 0.990 | 0.996 | 0.993 | 0.995 | 0.980 | 0.972 | 0.958 | 0.762 |
Cot/bed | 1.012 | 0.998 | 0.982 | 1.013 | 0.943* | 1.007 | 0.819*** | 0.884 |
Table | 1.011 | 1.005 | 0.968** | 0.990* | 0.907*** | 0.969* | 1.011 | 0.554 |
Electric fan | 0.981* | 0.984 | 0.962** | 0.993 | 0.971 | 0.990 | 0.939 | 0.782 |
Color television | 0.977** | 0.979* | 1.004 | 0.992 | 0.985 | 0.959** | 0.957 | 0.635 |
Sewing machine | 0.976** | 0.984 | 0.996 | 0.991 | 1.020 | 0.981 | 0.898*** | 0.240 |
Computer | 1.017 | 0.961 | 1.026 | 0.954*** | 0.983 | 0.953 | 0.863 | 0.090 |
Air conditioner/cooler | 1.025* | 1.038** | 1.018 | 0.999 | 1.091*** | 0.977 | 0.925 | 0.179 |
Washing machine | 0.960* | 0.979 | 0.925*** | 0.980* | 1.035 | 0.968 | 0.857* | 0.136 |
d) Housing quality | ||||||||
Residents per bedroom | 1.008*** | 1.006*** | 0.996 | 1.000 | 0.999 | 1.002 | 0.731*** | 2.917 |
Floor: cement | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | 0.393 |
Floor: mud/clay/earth | 1.026** | 1.004 | 0.993 | 1.003 | 1.011 | 1.025 | 1.093* | 0.271 |
Floor: ceramic tiles | 1.052*** | 0.975 | 0.976 | 0.987 | 0.956 | 1.030 | 1.059 | 0.106 |
Floor: polished stone/marble/grani. | 0.980 | 0.932*** | 0.977 | 0.962*** | 0.869*** | 0.949* | 1.050 | 0.077 |
Floor: dung | 1.027 | 1.010 | 0.955* | 1.016 | 0.982 | 1.009 | 1.070 | 0.070 |
Floor: stone | 1.013 | 0.955** | 0.935** | 0.967*** | 0.810*** | 0.900*** | 1.135 | 0.055 |
Roof: RCC/RBC/cement/concrete | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | 0.413 |
Roof: metal/GI | 0.991 | 1.015 | 1.037 | 1.015 | 1.068 | 0.976 | 1.088 | 0.110 |
Roof: asbestos sheets | 0.985 | 0.984 | 0.972 | 1.016* | 0.972 | 1.085*** | 1.089 | 0.076 |
Roof: tiles | 1.059*** | 1.030* | 1.023 | 1.004 | 1.045 | 1.088*** | 1.224*** | 0.071 |
Roof: slate | 1.003 | 1.002 | 0.984 | 0.989 | 0.916** | 1.015 | 1.183*** | 0.081 |
Wall: cement/concrete | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | RC | 0.379 |
Wall: stone with lime/cement | 1.008 | 1.001 | 1.065** | 1.046*** | 0.994 | 1.089*** | 1.035 | 0.059 |
Wall: burnt bricks | 1.024* | 1.016 | 1.026 | 1.011 | 0.958 | 1.035 | 1.063 | 0.252 |
Wall: cement blocks | 0.999 | 1.015 | 1.081*** | 0.996 | 1.030 | 1.085*** | 1.206** | 0.058 |
Wall: mud | 0.990 | 1.000 | 1.039 | 1.046*** | 0.994 | 1.070** | 1.080 | 0.136 |
e) Other | ||||||||
Bank account | 0.972*** | 0.987 | 0.980 | 0.988* | 1.088*** | 0.943*** | 0.970 | 0.895 |
Electricity | 0.991 | 0.979* | 0.982 | 0.995 | 1.005 | 0.998 | 0.964 | 0.882 |
Land usable for agriculture | 0.991 | 0.957*** | 0.958*** | 0.977*** | 0.962** | 0.998 | 0.962 | 0.389 |
Internet | 1.029 | 0.977 | 0.924*** | 1.002 | 1.005 | 0.947* | 0.972 | 0.109 |
Household member owns a house | 1.022** | 1.004 | 1.001 | 0.994 | 1.022 | 0.958** | 1.004 | 0.798 |
Observations | 185,529 | 179,341 | 157,464 | 181,977 | 110,384 | 118,263 | 86,172 | 601,509 |
Notes: ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1. Prevalence ratios are shown. All estimates were weighted and tests for statistical significance were done using robust standard errors. All estimates in each column were obtained from a single model. Control variables: sex, age, maternal age at birth, birth order, birth interval, firstborn, twin, vaccination status (except for mortality and low birth weight), born at home, maternal education, caste/tribe, and wealth index quintiles. Models were further adjusted for unobserved PSU-level factors. Proportions are for all households interviewed. Prevalence ratios are only shown for items which are observed in over 5% of households. Full outputs are shown in Table A9 in the supplementary appendix. Acronyms and abbreviations: liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), reinforced cement concrete (RCC), reinforced brick concrete (RBC), galvanized iron (GI), granite (grani.), reference category (RC).