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. 2019 Nov 22;5(11):e02787. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02787

Table 3.

CAM versus Control in Nulliparous women.

All Nulliparous Women CAM N = 397
Control N = 647
Statistical Significance
Nulliparous N = 226 (57%) Nulliparous N = 356 (55%)
Age Mean (range; SD) 28.6 (16–42; 5) 28.1 (15–44; 5.7) p = 0.28
BMI Mean (range; SD) 24.3 (18–46; 4.2) 25.1 (15–48; 5) p = 0.04
Induction of labour rates: n (%) 100 (44) 148 (42) p = 0.52
*Epidural rate: n (%) 92 (41) 180 (50.5) RR = 0.80 CI = 0.67–0.9 p = 0.02
**Length of labour (hours), mean (range; SD) 8.4 (1–36; 5) 10 (1–42; 5) 1.6 h less p = 0.0002 95% CI-2.4 to -0.76
Use of syntocinon for induction: n/total induction (%) 50/100 (50) 70/148 (47.3) p = 0.70
Use of syntocinon for labour augmentation: n (%) 52 (23) 124 (35) RR = 0.64 95%CI = 0.48 to 0.85 p = 0.002 NNT = 8
Vaginal (including breech) delivery with no intervention: n (%) 118 (52) 177 (50) p = 0.5
***Instrumental: n (%) 58 (26) 115 (32) p = 0.09
Emergency Caesarean Section (EMCS): n (%) 50 (22) 64 (18) p = 0.22
Mean blood loss in all deliveries (ml): n (SD) 498 (360) 580 (515) p = 0.03 (95%CI = -159 to -5)
Mean blood loss excluding caesarean sections: n (SD) 453.5 (356) 525 (498) p = 0.09
Major PPH(>1500ml) in vaginal deliveries: n (%) 6/176 (3) 17/292 (6) p = 0.24
Significant Perineal Trauma: n (%) 16/176 (9) 14/292 (5) p = 0.08
Shoulder dystocia: n (%) 1/176 (0.6) 5/292 (2) p = 0.3
Neonatal Admissions: n(%) 6 (2.7) 12 (3.4) p = 0.6