FIG 1.
Abundance of human reads and estimated coverage of the metagenomic data sets obtained in this study. (A) Assignment of recovered metagenomic raw reads to three groups: human (purple), discarded due to low quality (orange), and fraction passing quality control and not being of human origin (green). (B) Fitted Nonpareil curves and estimated average coverage for each metagenome after human and low-quality reads where removed from each data set. The horizontal dashed lines indicate 100% (upper red line) and 95% (bottom red line) coverage. Empty circles indicate the size (x axis) and estimated average coverage (y axis) of the data sets, and the lines after that point are projections of the fitted model. The inset plot shows the distribution of estimated coverage values in randomly drawn subsets of 1,000 reads per library for each pathotype and control group. Note that samples where DAEC was isolated showed less diverse communities (higher coverage) than other groups, including control samples.