(A) Central American Pseudonocardia antibiotic inhibition of three Escovopsis pathogen lineages (fuzzy brown [FZ], yellow, and brown). Rare Escovopsis pathogen morphotypes experience less inhibition by Pseudonocardia (center, median; box, upper and lower quantiles; whiskers, 1.5× interquartile range). (B) Average zone of inhibition (ZOI) corresponds to the relative frequency at which each lineage is encountered in Central American Apterostigma dentigerum ant cultivars, with common brown Escovopsis parasites experiencing significantly greater inhibition than the rarer fuzzy brown and yellow parasites. The strength of inhibition corresponds to parasite morphotype abundance in nature, suggesting that parasites experience rare morph advantage. Blue indicates linear regression of individual data points from panel A error bars indicate standard error of the mean.