Fig. 1.
BBN-induced bladder cancer mouse model. a Female B6D2F1 mice were exposed to 0.05% BBN ad libidum in drinking water for 12 weeks (n = 10; Group 2 – 12wks BBN) and 18 weeks (n = 10; Group 3 – 18wks BBN). Mice without BBN treatment for 18 weeks (n = 10; Group 1 – 18wks H2O) served as a control. Body weight (g) of mice was recorded weekly. No effects of BBN on a body weight of mice was detected as compared to control mice. b A slightly increased daily water consumption per mouse was observed in mice from Group 2 – 12wks BBN and Group 3 – 18wks BBN when compared to the mice from control Group 1 – 18wks H2O. Data show mean ± SE of the daily drinking water consumption (ml) per mouse from each group (n = 10). Significance between BBN and control groups was assessed using a two-tailed paired Student’s t-test (***p < 0.001)