Figure 5.
Consensus of the cladistic analyses of Tyrannosauroidea, based on the matrix of Carr et al. (2017). (a) Single most parsimonious tree recovered from an analysis of characters pertaining only to the postorbital, which evaluates the positions of TMP 2013.18.11 and TMP 1994.143.1. Tree length = 18 steps, consistency index = 0.778, retention index = 0.949. (b) Single most parsimonious tree recovered from an analysis including cranial and postcranial characters, which evaluates the position of TMP 1994.143.1. Tree length = 833 steps, consistency index = 0.539, retention index = 0.796. Numbers adjacent to nodes constitute Bremer support values (<3) and Bootstrap values (>50). Unsupported nodes are collapsed. Institutional abbreviations: TMP, Royal Tyrrell Museum of Vertebrate Palaeontology.