Figure 1 |. A unique T6SS effector-immunity pair is encoded within the H1-T6SS of P. aeruginosa strain PA14.
a) Genomic context of tse6-tsi6 and PA14_01140-PA14_01130 within the H1-T6SS gene clusters of P. aeruginosa strains PAO1 and PA14, respectively. Known toxin-immunity encoding regions of tse6-tsi6 and predicted toxin-immunity encoding regions of PA14_01140-PA14_01130 are shown in blue and pink, respectively. b, c) Outcome of growth competition assays between the indicated donor (d) and recipient (r) strains. The parental PA14 genotype is ΔrsmA ΔrsmF and the parental PAO1 genotype is ΔretS, both of which are mutations that stimulate H1-T6SS activity20,21. d) Outcome of intraspecific growth competitions between the indicated PA14 donor and recipient strains. The parental PA14 strain genotype is ΔrsmA ΔrsmF. The competitive index is normalized to starting ratios of donor/recipient. b-d) Data are mean ±SD for three biological replicates. P values are shown from two-tailed, unpaired t-tests.