Distribution of CAM (red) and C4 (blue) within (A) the four sub-families of the Aizoaceae, and (B) genera of the sub-family Sesuvioides (adapted from Smith and Winter, 1996; Klak et al., 2003; Muhaidat et al., 2007; Bohley et al., 2015, 2017, and the current study). Phylogenetic relationships in (A) are based upon analysis of three chloroplastic and nuclear loci (Klak et al., 2003), and relationships in (B) are based upon analysis of five chloroplastic and nuclear loci (Bohley et al., 2015). The open circles indicate plants with C3-type isotope values. Without measurements of acidification and gas exchange during a watering-droughting-rewatering regime, it cannot yet be determined whether such individuals exhibit C3senso strictu, low-level CAM, or are C3-C4 intermediates. In (B), the presence of CAM in S. maritimum is based upon nocturnal acidification reported during a single night for a plant growing in the field (Martin et al., 1982).