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. 2019 Nov 29;16:116. doi: 10.1186/s12966-019-0885-3

Table 5.

Built and social environmental facilitators and barriers to social contacts

Categories of responses generated during NGT sessions Total votes (across groups)a Group types endorsing responseb
 Proximity to destinations and activities 72 LW/HC, LW/MC, HW/HC, HW/MC
 Availability of community services and media in Chinese 24 HW/MC, HW/HC, LW/MC
 Access to destinations and activities 19 HW/MC, LW/MC, HW/HC
 Opportunities to learn English 19 HW/MC, LW/MC
 Good public transport 18 LW/MC, HW/HC
 Living near or with Chinese people 10 LW/HC, LW/MC
 Unlimited access to telecommunication 2 LW/MC
 Poor public transport 66 HW/MC, LW/HC, LW/MC, HW/HC
 Language barriers 49 HW/MC, LW/HC, LW/MC, HW/HC
 Limited or poor access to destinations and social group/activities for Chinese people (or residents) 41 HW/HC, HW/MC, LW/MC
 Living separately from other Chinese people (public housing arrangements) 5 LW/MC
 Cultural differences limiting integration 4 HW/HC
 Health-related and personality factors [characteristics describing Chinese older residents in the community] 3 HW/MC

aMaximum of 6 votes per participant (3–2-1 scoring). bHW = High Walkability; LW = Low Walkability; MC = Medium % Chinese; HC = High % Chinese. cAdditional votes = 1 additional votes for ‘Facilitators’ and 6 for ‘Barriers’ due to scored items listing two factors being counted twice under different response categories