Increased expression of a mature miRNA in IIV6-infected cells. (A) Schematic representation of the primary miRNA transcript encoding miR-275 and miR-305. See SI Appendix, Fig. S6E, for miRNA sequence and predicted structure. (B) Northern blot analyses of the clustered miR-275 and miR-305 in Drosophila S2 cells infected with IIV6 at 3 dpi. As controls, noninfected cells treated with dsRNA targeting Dicer-1 (dsDcr-1) or GFP (dsGFP, as a control) were run in parallel. rRNA was used as a loading control. (C) Northern blot analyses of miR-305–3p over the course of IIV6 infection in WT flies (genotype, w1118). (Lower) A longer exposure of the same blot, allowing visualization of the pre-miRNA. (D) miR-305–3p levels in S2 cells at 3 dpi and (E) adult female flies (w1118) at 3 and 12 dpi with the indicated viruses.