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. 2019 Nov 29;8(12):giz129. doi: 10.1093/gigascience/giz129

Figure 6:

Figure 6:

Pseudoassembly of contigs. Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) with hierarchical clustering of the SP80-3280 assembly against the S. spontaneum tetraploid AP85-441 homo(eo)log-resolved assembly [14] and the R570 [13] monoploid genome. A: SP80-3280 contigs best hits against AP85-441 and R570 chromosomes and corresponding size of the preliminary scaffolds; cluster = hierarchical cluster from the MCA. B and C: Circos plot of the proportion of proteins from SP80-3280 (classified into 1 of the 6 clusters or as “non-clustered”) that align to the AP85-441 (chr 01-08) and R570 (sh 01-10) putative chromosomes, respectively.