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. 2019 Nov 29;8(12):giz129. doi: 10.1093/gigascience/giz129

Table 1:

Genome sequencing: technology and assembly details and gene prediction features

Description Genomic DNA BAC clones
Sequencing and assembly data
 Sequencing data 26 Illumina synthetic long-read libraries Single-end Roche 454 of BAC library clones
 Total sequence (Gb) 19 6.6
 Genome coverage 1.9× 0.66×
 Read length minimum/maximum/mean (bp) 1,500/22,904/4,930 8/2,611/368.5
 Assembler software Celera Assembler (Overlap Graph) PHRAP/CONSED
 Total reads used in assembly 3,857,849 17,894,306
 Total assembly size 4.26 Gb 49.6 Mb
 Number of unitigs/contigs + singletons 450,609 463
 Contigs length minimum/maximum/mean (bp) 1,500/468,011/9,452 11,723/235,533/107,129
 NG50 (bp) 41,394 109,618
 N50 (bp) 13,157 N/A
Gene prediction features
 No. genes 373,869 3,550
 No. transcripts 374,774
 No. exons 1,035,764 13,132
 Mean GC content (%) 43.20 44.99
 Mean No. exons per gene 2.8 3.7
 Mean exon size (bp) 291 271.8
 Median exon size (bp) 171 154
 Mean intron size (bp) 352.6 539.2
 Median intron size (bp) 132 139
 Mean gene size (bp) with UTR 1,437.80 2,429.20
 Median gene size (bp) with UTR 806 1,260.50
 Mean gene size (bp) without UTR 1,318.80 2,351.30
 Median gene size (bp) without UTR 771 1,199.50
 Mean gene density (kb per gene) 11.4 14

GC: guanine-cytosine; UTR: untranslated region.