Figure 3. Preferential Activation of Class I da Neurons ddaE and ddaD during Larval Forward and Backward Locomotion.
(A) Comparison of peak ΔF/F in ddaE and ddaD during forward and backward locomotion. ***p < 0.001, Student’s t test. n = 54 (ddaE) and n = 51(ddaD) in forward movements; n = 36 (ddaE) and n = 38 (ddaD) in backward movements. Error bars indicate the SEM.
(B) Trace of GCaMP6f ΔF/F for ddaE and ddaD neuron of the same segment during three consecutive waves of backward and three waves of forward locomotion. The bottom frame shows the speed of the ddaE neuron movement throughout the time series.
(C and D) Comparison of mean ΔF/F for ddaE and ddaD in the segmental contraction cycle during forward (C; n = 25 for both ddaE and ddaD) and backward (D; n = 17 for ddaE and n = 21 for ddaD) locomotion.
(E and F) Comparison of mean ΔF/F in ddaE (E) and ddaD (F) in forward and backward locomotion in a segmental contraction cycle. These two panels used re-grouped data from (C) and (D).
(C-F) Position along the radial axis represents ΔF/F (percent change). The phase angle of the segmental contraction cycle depicts the distance between neurons of adjacent segments, which is decreasing from 0–180 degrees and increasing from 180–360 degrees. Darker colored line indicates mean ΔF/F, and the lighter colored shading denotes the SEM.
n indicates the number of neurons examined. Neuronal activities were recorded from nine animals for forward and 11 animals for backward locomotion. See also Figure S2 and Videos S4 and S5.