Table 1.
Results of principal components factor analysis
Items | Factor loadingsa |
In the past year, how often has your main romantic partner…b | |
Encouragement/reminders | |
Encouraged you to delivery/give birth at a clinic? | 0.77 |
Reminded you to take your HIV medication? | 0.86 |
Reminded you to go for HIV or PMTCT care? | 0.85 |
Reminded you to give HIV prophylaxis medication to the baby? | 0.85 |
Encouraged you to feed the baby in a certain way? | 0.74 |
Encouraged you take the baby for HIV testing? | 0.66 |
Gave you transport money to go to the clinic or dispensary? | 0.47 |
Active participation | |
Come with you to health care visits (ANC, PMTCT, or postnatal/well-child care)? | 0.76 |
Helped give HIV prophylaxis medication to the baby? | 0.59 |
Collected medication for you or the baby from the clinic/dispensary? | 0.80 |
After orthogonal rotation
Response choices: 5 = all of the time, 4 = most of the time, 3 = more often than not, 2 = occasionally, 1 = rarely, 0 = never