Alignment of guanylyl cyclase and adenylyl cyclase dorsal flaps.
A, alignment generated with CLUSTAL Omega (71–73) and visualized with ESPript (74, 75). Numbering corresponds to the dorsal flap sequence for αGC-1 (Homo sapiens). Similar residues (red letters) are in blue boxes and invariant residues are highlighted in red. Residues in H. sapiens GC-1 that were mutated in this study are highlighted as follows: αVal-587 (green), αVal-587 (yellow), αLys-590 (pale green), αMet591 (pink), βIle-533 (blue), βMet-537 (purple), and βPro-538 (teal). Uniprot accession codes are indicated for each sequence. B, the graphic representation of conserved residues was generated with WebLogo (76).