Figure 5.
A, capillary HPLC-ESI-HRMS/MS analysis of in vivo transcription products generated from site-specific 5fC-conjugated to 11-mer peptide (RPKPQQFFGLM-CONH2). 13-mer error-free products (5′-CCGAATAGCCCGC-3′, [M-4H]4− = 974.665); C to T (5′-CCGAATAACCCGC-3′, [M-4H]4− = 970.667); C to A (5′-CCGAATATCCCGC-3′, [M-4H]4− = 968.414); C to G (5′-CCGAATACCCCGC, [M-4H]4− = 964.664); deletion (5′-CCGAATA_CCCGC-3′, [M-4H]4− = 892.402); and 16-mer products from competitor plasmids (5′-CACAATAGCATATCGC-3′, [M-4H]4− = 1206.957). B, CID MS2 spectrum of the 13-mer error-free products.