Figure 6.
Relationship of BCL2L2 to blood platelet number and cultured platelet-like particles (PLP). (A) BCL2L2 is positively associated with peripheral blood platelet counts in 154 healthy individuals in the PRAX1 study. (B) Forward scatter and side scatter flow cytometric analysis of human peripheral blood platelets (Peripheral Plts), day 13 PLP and the merged image. (C-E) Flow cytometric assessment of cultured PLP after MK transduction with empty lentiviral vector (Ctrl lenti) or lentiviral vector containing BCL2L2. PLP were defined by forward scatter, side scatter and presence of platelet-specific surface marker (see Methods). (C) The percentages of day 13 PLP that were CD41a-positive (+) (n=6). (D) The percentages of day 13 PLP that bound PAC1 after stimulation with 250 nM thrombin (n=5). (E) The percentages of day 13 PLP that expressed P-selectin after stimulation with 250 nM thrombin (n=5).