(A) Counts of live MB135iDUX4 cells (cells that exclude trypan blue) before and at daily time points after continuous exposure to doxycycline (cont) or a 4-h pulse of doxycycline (pulse). T0, T24, T48, and T72 indicate the hours following initial doxycycline addition.
(B) DUX4 and H3.X/Y immunofluorescence in MB135iDUX4 cells 8 h after the start of a 4-h pulse of doxycycline (pulse) shows induction in nearly all cells, with no staining in uninduced (no dox) cells.
(C) Western blot analysis of MB135iDUX4 cells up to 24 h after DUX4 pulse. Cells were induced from 0 to 4 h. H3.X/Y/Z are identified with colored arrowheads: H3.Z (green); H3.X (dark blue); and H3.Y (light blue).
(D) MB135iDUX4 cells with control or H3.X/Y knockdown with 1 or 2 pulses of DUX4 on days 0 and 2, respectively, and harvested 1–4 days after each pulse (days 1–4 for 1st pulse; days 3–6 for 2nd pulse). +, continuous dox overnight; –, uninduced day 0 cells. H3.X/Y/Z are identified as in (C).
(E) Comparison of DUX4-induced genes from RNA-seq datasets in MB135iDUX4 cells after continuous (from Jagannathan et al., 2016) or pulsed DUX4 expression (log2-fold change over no DUX4 induction with adjusted p < 0.05). Axes show degree of gene induction (log2-fold change over no DUX4) with adjusted p < 0.05 corresponding to H_0: ∣log2-fold change∣ < 2. Green indicates genes activated less than 2-fold (log2-fold change < 1.0) in the pulse condition, red indicates genes induced more than 2-fold in the pulse, and blue indicates genes induced by the pulse but less than 2-fold in the continuous.