Table 2.
Number of MDA libraries sequenced and assembly statistics for the taxa sequenced in this study.
Taxon | Number of libraries sequenced & co-assembled | Number of scaffolds | Total size (Mbp) | Longest scaffold (bp) | N50 (bp) | GC content (%) | Cegma estimated completeness (%) | Number of conserved loci retrieved |
Acaulopage tetraceros | 3 | 472 | 10.2 | 251,313 | 49,495 | 44 | 83.06 | 184 |
Cochlonema odontosperma | 2 | 1819 | 16.84 | 147,303 | 21,635 | 54 | 89.52 | 174 |
Stylopage hadra | 5 | 20,112 | 55.96 | 35,094 | 3564 | 36 | 77.42 | 110 |
Zoopage sp. | 3 | 1958 | 13.92 | 64,126 | 14,452 | 54 | 71.77 | 163 |
Zoophagus insidians | 2 | 2432 | 21.01 | 161,997 | 23,511 | 40 | 90.73 | 183 |