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. 2019 Dec 2;14(12):e0221794. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0221794

Table 2. First part of the questionnaire containing questions about demographic and management factors.

  Variable Response Adaptations for statistical analysis
Horse details Age Year of Birth a. w. m.
Breed Name of breed Warmblood, Thoroughbred, Franche-Montagnes, Others
Sex Mare, Stallion, Gelding a. w. m.
Category Elite sport horse, Amateur sport horse a. w. m.
Discipline Show Jumping, Dressage, Endurance, Eventing, Para-Equestrian, Vaulting, Driving a. w. m.
Time owned In months a. w. m.
Temperament of the individual Calm, Temperamental, Nervous a. w. m.
Husbandry Does the horse live in a group with other horses ('Group housing')? Yes, Only on pasture, No a. w. m.
How many hours does the horse spent outside of its stall ('Hours spent outside')? 0-1h, 1-4h, 4-12h, >12h 1-4h, 4-12h, >12h
Feeding During feeding, does the horse show aggressiveness against other horses or humans ('Jealousy about food')? Yes, No a. w. m.
How is the horse's appetite ('Appetite Horse')? Good, Moderate, Poor Good, Moderate/Poor
Training/Competition Number of training days per week ('Days trained')? <1, 1–3, 4–5, 6, 7 <5,6,7
How many different people ride the horse ('Number of riders')? 1,2,3,>3 1,2,>3
How many times per year does the horse go to competitions ('Number of horse shows')? 1–3, 4–8, 8–15, 16–25, >25 1–3, 4–8, 8–15, >15
How is the horse's performance ('Performance')? Very good/good, Moderate, Poor Very good/good, Moderate/Poor
How is the horse's motivation ('Motivation')? Very good/good, Moderate, Poor Very good/good, Moderate/Poor
Does the horse's motivation change during work ('Changes in motivation during work')? In the beginning not good, In the middle not good, In the end not good, Always not good, Always different, During competition season not good Yes (Includes: In the beginning not good, In the middle not good, In the end not good, Always not good, Always different, During competition season not good), No
Does the horse enjoy moving around ('Fun moving around')? Very much, Enough, Yes during riding not at pasture, Yes at pasture not during riding, No Very much, Enough (Includes: Enough, Yes during riding not at pasture, Yes at pasture not during riding), No
Stereotypies Weaving Never, Sometimes, Regularly, Excessive Summarized into one variable: Stereotypies: Yes (Includes: If the answer to one of the variables is: Sometimes, Regularly, Excessive), No (Includes: If the answer to all variables is: No)
Crib-biting (Grasping fixed object) Never, Sometimes, Regularly, Excessive
Crib-biting (Windsucking) Never, Sometimes, Regularly, Excessive
Stall walking Never, Sometimes, Regularly, Excessive
Teeth Sharpening Never, Sometimes, Regularly, Excessive
Horse health: Behavioral problems Dependency on other horses Never, Sometimes, Regularly, Excessive Summarized into one variable: Behavioral problems: Yes (Includes: If the answer to one of the variables is: Sometimes, Regularly, Excessive), No (Includes: If the answer to all variables is: No)
Biting Never, Sometimes, Regularly, Excessive
Kicking Never, Sometimes, Regularly, Excessive
Bucking Never, Sometimes, Regularly, Excessive
Rearing up Never, Sometimes, Regularly, Excessive
Kicking against the wall Never, Sometimes, Regularly, Excessive
Clinical signs Yawning Yes, No a. w. m.
Weight loss Yes, No Summarized into one variable: Weight Problems: Yes (if Weight loss or Problems gaining weight: Yes), No (if Weight loss or Problems gaining weight: No)
Problems gaining weight Yes, No
Teeth grinding Yes, No a. w. m.

Some of the variables were re-coded for further statistical analysis. The modifications are displayed in the column “Adaptations for statistical analysis”. a. w. m. = adopted without modifications; h = hours.