(A) Serum HCV RNA levels at the time of the pretreatment liver biopsy (pre) and at the start (day 0) and during the first 4 weeks of QUAD therapy. Filled squares represent data from patients who developed a virological breakthrough at week 8 (n=1) or relapsed after the end of therapy (n=1). L.l.o.q., lower level of quantitation; t.n.d., target not detected.
(B) Serum ALT levels prior to and at week 4 of QUAD therapy.
(C-D) CXCL10 protein concentration in the serum (C) and CXCL10 relative mRNA level in the liver (D) prior to and at week 4 of therapy. ‘Pre’ indicates the time point of the pre-treatment liver biopsy (up to 4 weeks prior to therapy). Statistical analysis: non-parametric paired Wilcoxon-signed-rank test.