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. 2019 Nov 26;9(11):e030793. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030793

Table 4.

Summary of articles with models predicting severity of malaria infection

N Study Year Period of participant recruitment Country Type of study Sample size Statistics used Name of model Method internal of validation Age profiles Sex
Outcome predicted Variables used Diagnostic properties External validation Use in clinical settings
Severity of disease
1 Helbok et al35 2003 1 October
2001 to 30 January 2002
Thailand Cohort 22 NC MODS (multiorgan dysfunction score)44 None 16–41 years Female—41.8% Severity of disease in adult patients with uncomplicated falciparum malaria Ten organ systems: (heart, blood vessel, blood, respiratory system, metabolism, gastrointestinal system, liver, kidney and urinary tract, immune system, and central nervous system) None None NE
2 Helbok et al34 2005 1 October 2001 to 30 July 2002 Thailand Cohort 29 Survival analysis MODS44 None Mean age: 27.1 (±10.6) Female—27.6% Severity of disease in adult patients with severe falciparum malaria Ten organ systems: (heart, blood vessel, blood, respiratory system, metabolism, gastrointestinal system, liver, kidney and urinary tract, immune system and central nervous system) None None NE
3 Helbok et al36 2006 August 2003 to May 2005 Gabon Cohort 485 Survival analysis Simplified MODS35 ROC analysis 4–169 months Females—49% Severity of disease and disability in children with severe falciparum malaria infection Ten organ systems: (heart, blood vessel, blood, respiratory system, metabolism, gastrointestinal system, liver, kidney and urinary tract, immune system, and central nervous system) AUC to predict prolonged disease (>48 hours unable to walk): 0.92 (95% CI 0.89 to 0.95) None NE
4 Grigg et al37 2018 October 2012 to April 2016 Malaysia Cohort 481 patients with Plasmodium knowlesi Logistic regression None None 33 years (IQR: 21–49) Female—43.2% Severity of Plasmodium knowlesi infection using WHO 2014 research criteria45 Age >45, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, increased parasite count, schizont proportion >10%, bicarbonate<18 mmol None None NE

AUC, area under the curve; NC, not clear; NE, no evidence; TNF, tissue necrotic factor.