Figure 4.
Results for experiment 3. (a) Reach angle. Solid lines and shaded areas indicate the mean and SEM of each eight trial epoch for the learner (magenta) and the nonlearner groups (dark gray). Only for the Perturb block, the mean of every 10%-trial bin instead of eight trial epochs was calculated. (b, c) The AtDCS effects on M1 excitability for the learner (b) and the nonlearner groups (c). Solid lines and vertical error bars indicate the mean and SEM of normalized MEP amplitudes for the baseline (light magenta and light gray) and for the training sessions (magenta and dark gray) at each time point. Bar graphs and vertical error bars depict the mean and SEM of grand average of postAtDCS MEPs. (d) CBI results. Bar graphs and vertical error bars indicate the mean and SEM of CBI ratio for the learner (magenta) and the nonlearner groups (dark gray) at each time point (Base1, Base2, Post). P < 0.01 (two-tailed paired t-test).