Table 9.
Selected physicochemical parameters of treated tannery wastewater after RSM application.
Parameter | Unit | Result * | Effect (%) ** |
pH | - | 8.5 ± 0.1 | Non-significant |
Total Dissolved Solids | mg/L | 19,590 ± 1960 | ↑7.3 |
Total Solids | mg/L | 20,560 ± 2060 | ↑4.4 |
Suspended Solids | mg/L | 30.0 ± 3.0 | ↓97.9 |
Color | mg Pt/L | 80 ± 16 | ↓99.3 |
Chemical Oxygen Demand | mg O2/L | 1740 ± 260 | ↓86.1 |
Total Organic Carbon | mg/L | 950 ± 140 | ↓80.5 |
* parameter value ± the measurement uncertainty for an extension factor k = 2, ** Effect = (for SS, color, COD, and TOC) and ** Effect = (for TDS and TS), where c1-concentration in raw tannery wastewater, c2-concentration in treated wastewater, ↑-increase in the parameter value, ↓-decrease in the parameter value.