Detailed analysis of UPF1-UPF2 model systems. (A) UPF1 residues involved in binding with UPF2 and their mutations. RMSF values were calculated in native or wild-type UPF1, mutant models, apo-form, and UPF1 bound with UPF2. (B) Individual UPF1 residues contributing to the binding energy with UPF2, were computed using MM-PBSA. (C) Interactions of UPF1 with UPF2 in different model systems, and residues of UPF1 forming stable H-bonds with UPF2 having occupancy ≥10%. (D) Binding mode or conformation of the UPF1 residues (K164 and R253 in native or mutated form R164 and W253) with UPF2 (Color scheme: green represents wild-type and yellow mutated systems, carbon in green/yellow, oxygen in red, nitrogen in blue, and hydrogen in silver).