Figure 2.
Adenovirus-mediated CRE recombinase expression resulted in a loss of Dicer expression in C-MSC. (A) Relative expression of Dicer mRNA. The amount of mRNA was normalized using β-actin. Results are shown as mean with standard error of the mean (SEM) (n = 3). (B) Western blotting of Dicer protein in adenovirus GFP (Ad-GFP) treated Dicer F/F C-MSC (Dicer F/F), and adenovirus with CRE recombinase (Ad-CRE) treated Dicer F/F C-MSC (Dicer−/−) using β-actin as a loading control. (C) Comparison of the percentage of Ki67-positive cells between Dicer F/F and Dicer −/− C-MSC (scale bar= 100 µm) (* p < 0.05, n = 6). (D) Western blotting of PCNA and Phospho-H3 expression in Dicer F/F C-MSC (Dicer F/F), and Dicer −/− C-MSC (Dicer −/−) using β-actin as a loading control (** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001, n = 3). (E) Comparison of the percentage of TUNEL-positive cells between Dicer F/F and Dicer −/− C-MSC (scale bar= 100 um) (*, p < 0.05, n = 20).