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. 2019 Nov 4;17:100212. doi: 10.1016/j.ensci.2019.100212

Table 2.

Sleep symptoms in patients with frontotemporal dementia and genetic mutations.

Age (decade) Sx (yrs) Syndrome Gene Sleep symptoms
Time overnight
in bed (mean hours)
Difficulty sleeping Daytime somnolence Disruptive sleep events
7th 10 bvFTD GRN 7.5 +
7th 1 bvFTD GRN 6.5 + +
7th 1 PNFA GRN 9.5 + +
7th 10 bvFTD MAPT 9.5 + +
6th 6 SD MAPT 8.0 +
7th 9 bvFTD C9orf72 4.0 + + +
8th 11 bvFTD C9orf72 8.5 + + +
7th 5 bvFTD C9orf72 10.5 + +
7th 6 bvFTD C9orf72 6.5 + + +

+, sleep symptom present; -, sleep symptom absent; C9orf72, mutation in chromosome 9 open reading frame 72; bvFTD, behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia; GRN, mutation in progranulin gene; MAPT, mutation in microtubule-associated protein tau gene; PNFA, progressive nonfluent aphasia; SD, semantic dementia; Sx, symptoms (duration in years).