Fig. 6.
Genes encoding Ssp6-like effectors are widespread in Enterobacteriaceae and can be linked with T6SS genes. Phylogenetic tree of selected Ssp6 homologues identified using HMMER homology searching of complete bacterial genomic sequences (left) and the genetic context of the corresponding encoding gene (right). Where a particular organism encodes more than one Ssp6 homologue, each homologue is indicated by square brackets after the organism name. Bootstrap values are indicated on the tree and the scale indicates number of substitutions per site. In the genetic loci, conserved T6SS genes are coloured as per the legend; Ssp6 homologues are orange and genes encoding known or putative immunity proteins are black. The full set of identified homologues and details of the bacterial genome sequences can be found in Supplementary Fig. 9 and Supplementary Data 1.