Experimental design and representative amygdala zif268 image. Rats were trained with AFC. Groups were infused with VEH or LIDO into the DH prior to fear recall in the training context or in a novel context to determine whether a DH LIDO infusion prior to retrieval is sufficient for amygdala synaptic destabilization, evidenced by changes in zif268 expression and AMPA receptor internalization, when training and retrieval occur in the same context (a). There were no significant behavioral differences between groups during fear recall (b). There were no significant differences in zif268 expression between groups that received DH LIDO (n= 4 rats) or VEH (n= 4 rats) infusions prior to retrieval when training and retrieval occurred in the same context (c). Groups that received a VEH (n= 4 rats) infusion into the DH prior to retrieval show significantly higher zif268 expression when compared to a NR (n=4 rats) group when retrieval occurred in a novel context (d). GluR2 expression decreased from NR controls when fear recall occurred in a novel context but not when DH LIDO infusions occurred prior to fear recall in the same context (NR n=7, Context A VEH n= 6, Context A LIDO n= 7, Context B VEH n=7). (e). There were no significant differences in GluR1 or actin expression (f-g). *p < 0.05.