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. 2019 Nov 25;7(4):E689–E698. doi: 10.9778/cmajo.20190084

Table 3:

Cost parameter inputs for the base-case scenario

Parameter Base case, $ Data source/reasoning
Universal screening
Adjusted laboratory costs
 Laboratory services 10.67 OHIP Schedule of Benefits for Laboratory Services (complete blood count, ferritin and C-reactive protein)*
 Administration 6.37 Ontario Nurses Association (assuming 10-min nursing time)
 Patient documentation and specimen collection fee 10.76 OHIP Schedule of Benefits (urban location)
 Total (uninflated) 28.48 (27.80) Inflated to value as of January 2019 using the monthly Canadian Consumer Price Index
Patient-borne cost
 Salary loss 103.21 Average weekly wages for Canadians (permanent employees) were $1032.12 in January 2019.40 In the base case, 1 parent is assumed to take 0.5 d off work.
 Travel expense 13.12 1 parent driving conventional vehicle to screening location (15 km round trip). Fuel consumption is 7.8 L/100 km§ and cost of regular gasoline is $0.96/L, for a total cost for gasoline of $1.12. In the base case, a 1-hour parking time is assumed at $6 per 30 min,** for a parking cost of $12.
 Total 116.33
Total cost 144.81
Targeted screening
Adjusted laboratory costs
 Laboratory services 10.67 As above
 Administration 12.73 As above
 Patient documentation and specimen collection fee 10.76 As above
 Total (uninflated) 35.00 (34.16) Inflated to value as of January 2019 using the monthly Canadian Consumer Price Index
Patient-borne cost
 Salary loss 103.21 As above
 Travel expense 13.12 As above
 Total 116.33
Total cost 151.33
Treatment cost (ferrous sulfate, 4 mo) 170.00 $168.63 including dispensing fee44

Note: OHIP = Ontario Health Insurance Plan.


As of Apr. 1, 2017: complete blood count $3.98, ferritin $2.97, C-reactive protein $3.72.

Using an hourly rate of $38.19 for full-time registered nurse with 5 years’ experience (effective Apr. 1, 2017).38

April 2017: 130.4; January 2019: 133.6.39


Fuel consumption ratings by Natural Resources Canada using the measures of the Honda Civic coupe, Canada’s best-selling car for 21 consecutive years.41

Ontario gasoline price on Feb. 11, 2019.42


Parking rate at The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto.43