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. 2019 Nov 14;19(4):311–318. doi: 10.1007/s40268-019-00288-x

Table 1.

Review of cases of dupilumab-associated conjunctivitis

Study Pts (N) Exposure Baseline Conjunctivitis characteristics Conjunctivitis onset DUP discontinuation
Wollenberg et al. [22] 13 DUP dosage NR 8/13 (61.5%) had IGA score 4; 5/13 had IGA score 3; four pts had history of conjunctivitis Bilateral hyperemia (particularly of limbus). Limbal edema. Pruritus, irritation, tearing, decreased visual acuity. Dx by dermatologist After mean 16.8 wk of treatment (range 2.9–55.6) No
Treister et al. [11] 12 DUP 600 mg loading dose and 300 mg every 2 wk thereafter 9/12 (75%) had IGA score 4; 3/12 had IGA score 3; all had childhood history of AD; none had history of eye conditions Hyperemia, pruritus, irritation, discharge, dryness, decreased visual acuity. Dx by ophthalmologist After mean 15.8 wk of treatment (range 8–41) Yes (2/12)
Maudinet et al. [23] 10 DUP dosage NR Baseline mean SCORAD 60.4 ± 20 and mean EASI 37 ± 17; 4/10 had history of allergic conjunctivitis Hyperemia, dryness, follicular conjunctivitis without keratitis. Dx by ophthalmologists After mean 3.75 mo of treatment (range 1.8–6) Yes (1/10)
Ivert et al. [24] 7 DUP 600 mg loading dose and 300 mg biweekly thereafter Baseline EASI of those who developed conjunctivitis: 30.6. All pts also had history of asthma or allergic rhinoconjunctivitis Ocular surface findings NR. Dx by ophthalmologists NR Yes (1/7)
Shen et al. [25] 2 300 mg every 2 wk Both had history of AD. No known history of eye conditions Bilateral hyperemia (particularly of limbus), nodular swelling, subconjunctival hemorrhages, follicular reaction. Dx by ophthalmologists After 3 wk (pt A); after 1 mo (pt B) No
Barnes et al. [26] 1 Weekly DUP as per a phase III trial (specific trial/dosages NR) History of AD. No known history of eye conditions Bilateral hyperemia (particularly of limbus), cicatricial ectropion with punctual stenosis of lower eyelids. Dx by ophthalmologist After 2 mo Yes
Levine et al. [27] 1 300 mg every 2 wk History of AD (80% body involvement). No known history of eye conditions Bilateral hyperemia, cicatrizing blepharoconjunctivitis, punctual stenosis. Dx by ophthalmologist After 14 wk Decreased frequency to every 4 wk
Fukuda et al. [30] 1 DUP dosage NR History of AD since age 5 years; no known history of eye conditions Bilateral hyperemia, pruritus, papillae and follicular reaction in tarsal conjunctiva, proliferative lesion. Dx by ophthalmologist Bilateral pruritus and discharge several days after; hyperemia and proliferative lesion 3 mo after No
Zirwas et al. [33] 1 DUP 600 mg loading dose and 300 mg every 2 wk thereafter Lifelong history of severe AD; history of dry eyes Bilateral hyperemia, swelling and thickening of upper and lower eyelids. Dx by ophthalmologist Conjunctivitis and blepharitis developed after 3 mo No

AD atopic dermatitis, DUP dupilumab, Dx diagnosed, EASI Eczema Area and Severity Index, IGA Investigator Global Assessment, mo month(s), NR not reported, pt(s) patient(s), SCORAD SCORing Atopic Dermatitis, wk week(s)