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Table 2.

The ratios of length/maximum width and length/minimum width of P4 propodi of specimens of Parasesarma liho with different size. The ratios of paratypes of P. liho was measured by Koller et al. (2010: figs. 2f, 3c). For abbreviations of museums and universities see MATERIALS AND METHODS

CW (mm) cat. no. Length/maximum width length/minimum width
7.0 NCHUZOOL 15025 3.19 4.76
11.1 NCHUZOOL 15022 2.89 4.17
11.6 NCHUZOOL 15027 2.81 4.15
11.6 NCHUZOOL 15026 2.67 3.79
14.2 SMF 36269 (paratype of P. liho) 2.79 4.01
14.5 MNHN B32312 (paratype of P. liho) 2.67 3.88
14.3 NMMBCD 3975 (holotype of P. cognatum) 2.79 4.17
16.7 NCHUZOOL 15031 3.36 4.53