Rank | Adult region | AUROC | Fetal region | AUROC |
Adult | Fetal | |||
1 | Claustrum | 1 | Intermediate zone in granular insular cortex | 0.783 |
2 | Short insular gyri | 0.94 | Layer III of piriform cortex | 0.764 |
3 | Long insular gyri | 0.905 | Intermediate zone in dysgranular insular cortex | 0.756 |
4 | Frontal operculum | 0.888 | Claustrum | 0.719 |
5 | Planum polare | 0.856 | Subplate zone in dysgranular insular cortex | 0.706 |
6 | Posterior orbital gyrus | 0.842 | Intermediate zone in primary auditory cortex | 0.703 |
7 | Temporal pole, inferior aspect | 0.842 | Midbrain reticular formation | 0.703 |
8 | Temporal pole, superior aspect | 0.82 | Molecular layer of caudal subiculum | 0.691 |
9 | Temporal pole, medial aspect | 0.809 | Subplate zone in caudal perirhinal cortex | 0.687 |
10 | Piriform cortex | 0.771 | Posterior hypothalamic nucleus | 0.673 |