Figure 3.
Weighted Correlation Network Analysis consensus module in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) brain tissues and atherosclerotic plaques. (A) Consensus module ME21 preservation in AD tissue datasets. For each dataset the preservation z-score is shown. Z-scores below 2 indicates no preservation, between 2 and 10 weak to moderate preservation and above 10 strong preservation. Info about the datasets can be found in Table 1 . (B) Correlation heatmap representing the Pearson’s correlation coefficients between the gene significance values (t-statistics) of the consensus module ME21 CpG sites across different AD datasets. Red means a positive correlation and blue a negative correlation. (C) Consensus module ME21 preservation in atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease (CVD) datasets (see Table 1). (D) Correlation heatmap representing the Pearson’s correlation coefficients between the gene significance values (t-statistics) of the consensus module CpG sites across different CVD datasets. Red means a positive correlation and blue a negative correlation.