Loss of Mfsd2a does not affect expression levels and localization of phototransduction proteins. A, The expression of rhodopsin and several other major photoreceptor proteins in the retinas of 5-week-old Mfsd2a−/− mice. Western blots were performed with aliquots of retinal lysates containing 0.5 μg total protein for rhodopsin and 20 μg total protein for other proteins. Each determination was repeated for at least four pairs of WT and Mfsd2a−/− animals. Rho, Rhodopsin; Gnat1, transducin α-subunit; Pho- phosducin; Arr, arrestin-1; GC1 and GC2, two retinal guanylate cyclase isoforms. Hsc70 is used as a loading control. B, Subcellular localization of rhodopsin (green) in 1- and 3-month-old Mfsd2a−/− and their WT littermate mice. Scale bar, 10 μm. Nuclei are stained by Hoechst (blue).