Fig. 5.
2-APB inhibits ACh-evoked Ca2+ signalling. (Ai) Pseudo colour (green) images of Ca2+ signals evoked by ACh (100 nM) and ACh (100 nM) with 2-APB (100 μM). Scale bar: 20 μM. (Aii) Overlaid Ca2+ signalling traces of ACh (100 nM; left) and ACh (100 nM) with 2-APB (100 μM; right). Individual Ca2+ traces are coloured according to the magnitiude of the control (ACh) response. (B) Density plot of mean peak value of Ca2+ signalling. Individual data points have been coloured (from blue, low to red, high) according to the density (i.e. occurrence) of particular values. (C) Summary data of the mean peak value of Ca2+ signalling (E) percentage of active cells and (D) number of peaks of Ca2+ signalling. For all summary data (D–E), n = 5, * p<0.05.