Figure 1.
Bacterial phyla (expressed as a percentage of relative abundance of sequences) collected from jejunal mucosa of weanling pigs fed diets with mycotoxins (MT) or and yeast cell wall extract (YC), based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing in experiment 2. Each pattern represents a particular bacterial phylum. Phylum sequences that did not achieve 1% within each phylum were combined as “Others”. MT-: diet without aflatoxin B1 and fumonisin B1; MT+: inclusion of 180 μg/kg aflatoxin B1, 1 mg/kg deoxynivalenol, and 9 mg/kg fumonisin B1 by replacing the clean corn and clean wheat with naturally mycotoxin-contaminated corn and wheat; YC 0%: no addition of yeast cell wall extract (YCWE; Mycosorb A+, Alltech, Nicholasville, KY, USA); YC 0.2%: YCWE added at 2 g/kg of feed.