Stride duration
Duration of the gait cycle or stride |
Step duration
Duration of the left/right step, when considering a left/right gait cycle |
Stance duration
Duration of the stance phase |
Swing duration
Duration of the swing phase |
Single support duration
Duration of the single-limb support phase |
Double support duration
Duration of the double-limb support phase |
Stride length
Distance (in the xz-plane) between the position of the left/right ankle at the beginning and end of the left/right gait cycle |
Step length
Distance (in the xz-plane) between the position of the left/right ankle at the instant during the swing phase when the ankle distance is minimum, and at the instant corresponding to the end of the left/right gait cycle |
Step width
Minimum value of the distance between ankles (in the xz-plane) during the swing phase |
Gait speed
Mean value of the trunk velocity (mean of velocity of the head, neck, spine shoulder, spine middle, and spine base joints) |
Gait speed variability
Standard deviation of the trunk velocity |
Foot swing velocity
Maximum value of the left/right ankle joint velocity during the swing phase, when considering a left/right gait cycle |
Arm swing velocity
Maximum value of the left/right hand velocity (mean of velocity of the left/right wrist and hand joints) during the stance phase, when considering a left/right gait cycle |
TBCM sway x/y-component
Measure of the body sway computed as the mean distance (in the x/y-axis) of the total body center of mass (TBCM), in relation to the RGB-D sensor’s coordinate system, for all gait cycle frames. For each frame, TBCM’s position is the mean position of all body segments’ CM, which was obtained according to [28] using the parameters indicated by Dempster in [29]. |
Spine shoulder angle
Mean value of the angle at spine shoulder (defined by head, spine shoulder, and spine base joints), considering the whole gait cycle |
Spine middle angle
Mean value of the angle at spine middle (defined by head, spine middle, and spine base joints), considering the whole gait cycle |
Maximum elbow angle
Maximum value of angle at the left/right elbow (defined by left/right shoulder, elbow and wrist joints) during the stance phase, when considering a left/right gait cycle |
Minimum elbow angle
Minimum value of angle at the left/right elbow during the stance phase, when considering a left/right gait cycle |
Maximum knee angle
Maximum value of angle at the left/right knee (defined by left/right hip, knee, and ankle joints) during the stance phase, when considering a left/right gait cycle |
Minimum knee angle
Minimum value of angle at the left/right knee during the swing phase, when considering a left/right gait cycle |
Hip angle range
Difference between the maximum and minimum value for the left/right hip angle (defined by left/right knee joint, hip joint, and point with knee y-coordinate and hip x- and z-coordinates) during the stance and swing phases respectively, when considering a left/right gait cycle |
Ankle angle range
Difference between the maximum and minimum value for left/right ankle (defined by left/right knee, ankle, and foot joints) during the swing and stance phases respectively, when considering a left/right gait cycle |