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. 2019 Nov 28;24(48):1900693. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.48.1900693

Table 2. PrEP user survey: Sourcing among those unable to obtain PrEP and sourcing, sharing, dosing, sexual health and renal function testing among current PrEP users, United Kingdom, 2019 (n =  2,275).

Characteristic n %
Participants who tried but were unable to obtain PrEP since January 2017 (n = 533)
Tried to source PrEP froma From a sexual health clinic in England as part of the Impact trial 385 72.2
Buying from the Internet 141 26.5
Other (including from a friend, when abroad, using PEP for PrEP, from a person reselling a supply, another trial) 126 23.6
Sexual health clinic in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland 22 4.1
Buying privately from a clinic 16 3.0
Not reported 14 2.6
Current PrEP usersb (n = 1,742)
Sourcing, sharing and dosing
Last sourced PrEP fromc From a sexual health clinic in England as part of the Impact trial 949 54.5
Buying from the Internet 538 30.9
Sexual health clinic in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland 103 5.9
Buying privately from a clinic 64 3.7
Other (including from a friend, when abroad, using PEP for PrEP, from a person reselling a supply, another trial) 83 4.8
Not reported 5 0.3
Ever shared/sold PrEP intended/bought by yourself Yes 279 16.0
No 1,460 83.8
Not reported 3 0.2
How this shared/sold PrEP was originally obtaineda
(n = 279)
Bought from Internet 170 60.9
From a sexual health clinic in England as part of the Impact trial 76 27.2
Other (incl. from a friend, when abroad, using PEP for PrEP, from a person reselling a supply, another trial) 21 7.5
Sexual health clinic in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland 9 3.2
Bought privately from a clinic 3 1.1
Dosing strategy last time used PrEP Daily 1,303 74.8
Other dosing regimen (including event-based, intermittently, one-off) 439 25.2
Sexual health and renal function testing
Number of HIV tests in the last 12 months None 7 0.4
One 107 6.2
Two 226 13.2
Three or more 1,375 80.1
Not reported 27 1.5
Setting of last HIV testd
(n = 1,740)
Sexual health clinic 1,523 87.5
Other setting (including self-sampling, self-testing service and GP) 211 12.1
Not reported 6 0.3
Number of STI tests (excluding HIV) in last 12 months None 203 11.7
One 168 9.6
Two 208 11.9
Three or more 1,153 66.2
Not reported 10 0.6
STI diagnosis in last 12 months Yes 882 50.6
No 850 48.8
Not reported 10 0.6
STI(s) diagnosed in last 12 monthsa, e
(n = 882)
Gonorrhoea 575 65.2
Chlamydia 537 60.9
Other 239 27.1
Not Reported 2 0.2
If ever obtained PrEP privately, had a renal function test before starting/while taking PrEP f Yes 654 37.5
No 660 37.9
Not Reported 428 24.6

GP: general practitioner; NR: not reported; PEP: post-exposure prophylaxis; PrEP: pre-exposure prophylaxis; STI: sexually transmitted infection.

a For this question, respondents could pick multiple answers.

b Current PrEP users defined as reporting taking their first PrEP tablet in July 2019 or earlier and their last PrEP tablet in January 2019 or later.

c Trial/programme sourcing PrEP users defined as PrEP users who last sourced their PrEP either through the Impact trial in England, another trial, or a sexual health clinic in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. Privately sourcing PrEP users defined as PrEP users who last sourced PrEP either through online purchase, buying privately from a clinic, through a friend/re-seller, using PEP as PrEP or obtaining while travelling abroad.

d This question was only asked of respondents who reported ever having an HIV test.

e This question was only asked of respondents reporting STI diagnoses in the last 12 months.

f This question was asked of all PrEP users, but among current PrEP users last sourcing privately (n = 638), 325 (50.9%) responded ‘Yes’ to having a renal function test, 271 (42.5%) ‘No’ and 42 (6.5%) were not reported.