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. 2019 Oct 3;76(1):163–176.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2019.07.021
Antibodies (anti-)

Myc tag Millipore cat# 05-724; RRID: AB_309938
ERK2 Santa Cruz biotechnology cat# sc-154; RRID: AB_2141292
Flag-Tag Sigma-Aldrich cat# 3165; RRID: AB_259529
LAMP2 (aka CD107b) BD PharMingen cat# 555803; RRID: AB_396137
SLC3A2 (aka CD98hc) Santa Cruz biotechnology cat# sc-9160; RRID: AB_638288
SLC1A5 (aka ASCT2) Cell Signaling cat# 5345; RRID: AB_10621427
SLC7A5 (aka LAT1) Cell Signaling cat# 5347; RRID: AB_10695104
LC3B Cell Signaling cat# 2775; RRID: AB_515950
Phospho S6 Ribosomal protein Cell Signaling cat# 4858; RRID: AB_516156
S6 Ribosomal protein Cell Signaling cat# 2317; RRID: AB_2238583
Phospho 4E-BP1 Cell Signaling cat# 2855; RRID: AB_560835
4E-BP1 Cell Signaling cat# 9644; RRID: AB_2097841
Atg7 Cell Signaling cat# 8558; RRID: AB_10831194
Phospho AKT (S473) Cell Signaling cat# 9271; RRID: AB_329825
Phospho AKT (T308) Cell Signaling cat# 4056; RRID: AB_331163
AKT Cell Signaling cat# 9272; RRID: AB_329827
PPARγ Cell Signaling cat# 2430; RRID: AB_823599
Anti-mouse IgG HRP-linked Cell Signaling cat# 7076S; RRID: AB_330924
Anti-rabbit IgG HRP-linked Cell Signaling cat# 7074S; RRID: AB_2099233
Phospho-IRS-1 Cell Signaling cat# 2388; RRIS: AB_330339
Phospho p70 S6 Kinase Cell Signaling cat# 9234; RRID: AB_2269804
p70 S6 Kinase Cell Signaling cat# 2708; RRID: AB_390722
ARF6 Cell Signaling cat# 3546; RRID: AB_2058484
V5-Tag Cell Signaling cat# 13202; RRID: AB_2687461
LAMP2 Alexa Fluor 488 conjugate Thermo Fisher Scientific MA1-205-A488; RRID: AB_2688309
Myc Tag Alexa Fluor 488 Millipore cat#16-224; RRID: AB_442399
Scamp3 Proteintech 26888-1-AP; RRID: AB_2810962
V5-Tag DyLight 650 conjugate Thermo Fisher Scientific MA5-15253-D650; RRID: AB_2537642
VPS35 Abcam ab97545; RRID: AB_10696107

Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins

D-Phenylalanine Sigma-Aldrich cat# P1751
L-Leucine methyl ester hydrochloride Sigma-Aldrich cat# L1002
L-γ-glutamyl-p-nitoanilide Sigma-Aldrich cat# G6133
L-Leucine Sigma-Aldrich cat# L8000
cycloheximide Sigma-Aldrich cat# C4859
puromycin Sigma-Aldrich cat# P9620
polybrene Sigma-Aldrich cat# H9268
doxycyclin Sigma-Aldrich cat# D9891
Protein A Sepharose beads Sigma-Aldrich cat# P9424
Anti-FLAG M2 Magnetic Beads Sigma-Aldrich cat# M8823
bicinchonic acid solution Sigma-Aldrich cat# B9643
Copper (II) sulfate solution Sigma-Aldrich cat# C2284
troglitazone Sigma-Aldrich cat# T2573
insulin Sigma-Aldrich cat# I9278
IBMX Sigma-Aldrich cat# I5879
dexamethasone Sigma-Aldrich cat# D4902
Oil Red O solution Sigma-Aldrich cat# O1391
Earle’s Balanced Salt Solution Sigma-Aldrich cat# E2888
Fetal Bovin Serum Thermo Fisher Scientific cat# 10270-106
penicillin/streptomycin Thermo Fisher Scientific cat# 15140-122
glutamine Thermo Fisher Scientific cat# 25030-024
accutase Thermo Fisher Scientific cat# A11105-01
trypsin Thermo Fisher Scientific cat# 15090-046
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium Thermo Fisher Scientific cat# 21969-035
50X MEM amino acid solution Thermo Fisher Scientific cat# 11130-036
LysoTracker Deep Red Thermo Fisher Scientific cat# L12492
HALT protease and phosphatase inhibitor cocktail Thermo Fisher Scientific cat# 78442
Rapamycin LC laboratories cat# R-5000
Bafilomycin A1 LC laboratories cat# B-1080

Deposited Data

Full scans of western blot data and original microscopy images This paper Mendeley Data:

Experimental Models: Cell Lines

Saos2 Tet-On DRAM1-myc tag This lab Crighton et al. 2006
Phoenix-AMPHO ATCC cat# CRL-3213
HEK293T ATCC cat# CRL-3216
3T3-L1 ATCC cat# CL-173
DRAM1 fl/fl MEF This article N/A
ATG7 fl/fl MEF This article N/A
ATG7 fl/fl DRAM1 KO MEF This article N/A
HeLa Beatson Institute stock (obtained from ATCC) N/A

Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains

C57BL/6 mice Charles River Strain Code: 027
DRAM1fl/fl C57BL/6 mice This article N/A
DRAM1+/− C57BL/6 mice This article N/A
ATG7fl/fl C57BL/6 mice Komatsu et al. 2005 Komatsu et al. 2005


See table for primer sequences N/A

Recombinant DNA

pBabe-puro Addgene cat# 1764
pLenti-puro Addgene cat# 39481
pLX304-SLC3A2 DNASU plasmid repository cat# HsCD00440549
pLX304-SLC1A5 DNASU plasmid repository cat# HsCD00436374
pLZRS-SLC3A2-RFP-GFP This article N/A
pLZRS- RFP-GFP-SLC3A2 This article N/A
psPAX2 Addgene cat# 12260
pMD2.G Addgene cat# 12259
p LAMP1-mRFP-Flag2X Addgene cat# 34611
pCMV6-mouse-DRAM1 Origene cat# MR220640
pLentiCRISPR v2 Addgene cat# 52961
pLentiCRISPR v2 mouse DRAM1 #A This article N/A
pLentiCRISPR v2 mouse DRAM1 #B This article N/A
pLentiCRISPR v2 NTC1 This article N/A
pLentiCRISPR v2 NTC2 This article N/A


Renilla shRNA (Non-targeting control) Mirimus LPE shRen.713
SLC1A5 shRNA Mirimus cat# SLC1A5_798
SLC1A5 shRNA Mirimus cat# SLC1A5_1062
SLC7A5 shRNA Mirimus cat# SLC7A5_1857
SLC7A5 shRNA Mirimus cat# SLC7A5_2000
ON-TARGETplus SLC1A5 smartpool siRNA GE Dharmacon cat# L-007429-00-0005
ON-TARGETplus SLC7A5 smartpool siRNA GE Dharmacon cat# L-041166-01-0005
ON-TARGETplus non-targeting controls siRNA GE Dharmacon cat# D-001810-01-05, D-001810-02-05, D-001810-03-05, D-001810-04-05

Software and Algorithms

ImageJ64 NIH
Optimized CRISPR Design Feng Zhang Lab (MIT)
ZEN 2012 software Zeiss N/A
FlowJo software v.7.6.5 FlowJo N/A