Fig. 4.
Effect of TCE and TaClo on SNpc DA Neuron Number and Density in A30P α-synuclein overexpressing and wild type C57BL/6 Mice.
Total (A) number and (B) density of TH-positive cells in the SNpc of TCE (1000 mg/kg), TaClo (2 mg/kg) and vehicle (olive oil) treated wild type (wt) and A30P overexpressing C57BL/6 mice wer assessed using a stereological approach. Analysis of all data and variables showed a significant overall effect F(4, 58) = 5.217, p < 0.001, Wilks' Lambda=0.425 (MANOVA). Post hoc analysis on the outcome variables revealed a significant effect on cell density F(5, 29) = 7.361, p < 0.003 and cell number F(5, 29) = 4.236, p = 0.043. Data presented as mean ± SD (n=5/6). ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05 when compared to strain vehicle, +p < 0.05 when compared to same treatment wt group (univariate ANOVA). No significant effect was seen on treatment between strains.