Fig 2. Number, percentage, and risk (per 1,000,000 air passenger journeys) of quinolone-nonsusceptible (QNS) infections in US travelers, by pathogen and region—Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network and National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System, United States, 2004–2014*.*.
Risk estimates were calculated for 2010–2014 because data about numbers of travelers to each region were not available for 2004–2009. †World Health Organization regions (9) ‡The estimated number of aviation passenger journeys on direct or multi-leg international flights terminating in the FoodNet catchment area during 2010–2014, as reported by the International Air Transport Association (10). Passenger journeys are not unique, individual travelers. Overland travelers were not included. §Number of travel-associated, and quinolone-nonsusceptible enteric cases during 2010–2014 adjusted to account for the NARMS sampling scheme by using a series of pathogen-specific multipliers. NARMS collects every 20th NTS, Shigella, and O157 isolate, so we multiplied the number of cases with these infections by 20. For Campylobacter, the multiplier varied, according to the proportion of isolates submitted by site: we applied no multiplier if all isolates were submitted (Connecticut, Oregon, and Tennessee); multiplied by 2 if every 2nd isolate is submitted (California, Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, and New York); multiplied by 3 if every 3rd isolate is submitted (New Mexico); and multiplied by 5 if every 5th isolate is submitted (Minnesota). ¶Adjusted risk of diagnosis with an enteric infection after return to the United States per 1,000,000 passenger journeys.#Adjusted risk of diagnosis with a quinolone-nonsusceptible infection after return to the United States per 1,000,000 passenger journeys. **Case traveled to more than one sub-region in the same region. ††Case traveled to more than one region. ‡‡Travel destination was not reported.