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. 2019 Dec 5;25:e20190030. doi: 10.1590/1678-9199-JVATITD-2019-0030

Figure 3. Multiple alignments among the primary sequence of wasp venom hyaluronidases. Stars designate identical residues. Colons and dots indicate similar residues. The catalytic residues (“D” and “E”) are indicated with red stars. VesA2w is the wild-type VesA2. VesA2m is the mutant VesA2. Vesma2 (Vespa magnifica), VesT2 (Vespa tropica) Vesv2 (Vespula vulgaris), Dolm2 (Dolichovespula maculata), and VesG (Vespa germanica) are shown. The small “a” and “b” of Vesv2 and VesT2 indicate “active” and “inactive” hyaluronidases, respectively.

Figure 3.