Figure 1. Macrophage numbers fluctuate in distant sites after MI, stroke and CLP.
(A) Alveolar macrophages, control n=19–34, MI n=4–16, stroke n=8–13, CLP n=5–10. (B) Lung macrophages at baseline and d4 after MI. Scale bar, 50 μm. (C) Heart macrophages after stroke and CLP. Control n=18–20, stroke n=8–13, CLP n=5–6. (D) Histology of heart macrophages at baseline and d4 after CLP. (E) Liver macrophages after CLP (KC, Kupffer cells), MI and stroke. Control n=16–32, MI n=4–12, stroke n=5–13, CLP n=5–6. (F) Liver macrophages around central veins (CV) at baseline and day 4 after MI. (G) Renal macrophages. Control n=16–34, MI n=4–16, stroke n=4–13, CLP n=5–9. (H) Renal macrophages at baseline and after MI. (I) Microglia after MI and CLP, control n=8–14, MI n=8, CLP n=8–10. (J) Summary genetic fate mapping, original data are in Figure S2. Lung refers to alveolar macrophages. Data are mean ± s.e.m. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001, ****P<0.0001. Ordinary one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparison test was used for normally distributed data. See also Figure S1,2 and Table S1.